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Importance of Journalism Unveiling the Truth in Our Society

Written by 7:44 am Journalism & Mass Communication

Importance of Journalism | Journalism’s Enduring Significance

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The importance of journalism in today’s times cannot be ignored. Being the cornerstone of democracy, it plays an important role in educating the people about the events taking place in the society and all around the world. They provide a platform for people to be heard and they hold higher powers accountable as they are like watchdogs. There are a lot of requirements for ethical and responsible journalism as the number of fake news and wrong information has increased.

In this article, we will understand the importance of journalism in society, the role of journalism in society, and future of journalism. So, if you are someone who is passionate about this industry this is your chance to learn about this industry through this article and start your journey towards a lucrative career.

Table of Contents

What is Journalism?

Journalism is the process of gathering, evaluating, creating, and showcasing information. It is the act of collecting data, assessing its genuineness, and getting it into a structure of narration for the viewers. Journalists are like a bridge between viewers and the event through which the audience get the context of the event, facts of the event, and also internal details that help people to make sense of the world around them.

As the digital era advances, journalism has made some crucial transformations. He essence remains same even if the medium has changed from newspapers and radio broadcasts to TV and now online platforms. There is always encouragement for positive changes by good journalism.

Importance of Journalism

The importance of journalism in a society is huge. Journalism contributes to people’s day-to-day lives as it keeps them updated about the event that are occurring around them like weather forecasts, accident mishaps, or political affairs. Journalism has been called a powerful instrument of change in shaping the nations narrative.

Here are some factors that show the importance of journalism:

  • Public Awareness
  • Political Accountability
  • Social Justice
  • Economic Impact
  • Cultural Influence
  • Global Perspective

Public Awareness

Journalism is a very important median when it comes to distribution information to the public to keep them updated about the events occurring around them like social issues and developments in different industries.

Political Accountability

Journalists try to get to the bottom of every event and in such investigations interview government officials and institutions to be accountable and transparent in governance.

Social Justice

Journalism speak` for social change gives voice to underrepresented communities by bringing attention to the wrong done towards them, injustice and violation of human rights.

Economic Impact

Journalistic coverage of economic trends, business activities, and market dynamics informs decision-making by individuals, businesses, and policymakers, influencing economic policies and investments.

Cultural Influence

Journalism investigates trends in culture, creative displays, and history, impacting public discussions, and maintaining cultural identities in an increasingly associated world.

Global Perspective

Journalists offer insights into international issues, interaction between cultures, and global challenges encouraging understanding and cooperation between different groups and governments.

Importance of Journalism in Society

Journalism is the media through which people are made aware of what is happening locally, nationally, and globally. It keeps an eye on higher authorities and institutions, pitches in for important causes, gives knowledge about different events to the people, and records history as it unravels. Due to journalism, we are able to encourage debate, determine wrong information, give economic details, and engage in cultural appreciation. It is possible because of journalism that the people are able to get timely updates on emergency cases and disaster management. Journalism acts like a feedback channel between holding high the ethical standards and fostering public engagement to both increase both the economy and the community.

Future Scope of Journalism

As the technology in the media industry increases the future of journalism looks bright and we can see several opportunities open up in this field. AAFT Online’s Ultimate Journalism Certificate Program provides students with the tools that they need to make a successful career in this industry. The program covers various important topics that students should be aware of. Students will learn everything from traditional reporting techniques to digital storytelling methods. AAFT Online’s program equips students with hands-on experience and educates them under the guidance of experts which will help these aspiring media students to get into various career paths in journalism. As this industry grows in a few years the scope of this field will be huge and the future of the aspiring students will be successful.


To conclude, for the public interest journalism is a pillar of democracy, information, empowerment, and the support for the people’s interest. As we see the advancement of technology, the future of journalism looks promising and will offer several opportunities that will lead an aspiring journalist to a lucrative career. According to the history of journalism, journalism is a strong force that can shape a story, make authorities accountable, and be a voice of society. All in all, there is a lot of scope in this industry which help us understand the importance of this field and how it can be a rewarding career for anyone inspired and fascinated by the media industry. 

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