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Journalism Course Online

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Discover 9 Types of Journalism: Soft Vs Hard News Explained

The newsrooms of media companies have been evolving from traditional to modern during the last few years. Why so? Because the dissemination of news has come a long way – from recording news bulletins for the radio to now writing news stories for digital platforms. Due to technological advancements and shifting public interests, such a radical shift in news coverage was inevitable. However, even today, news writers still choose to cover news under two broad categories – Hard News and Soft News, in an unbiased manner. 

What is Journalism?

Journalism is the practice of gathering, compiling, and distributing unbiased fact-based news and other relevant information to the general audience. A journalist is in charge of gathering news from numerous sources (such as media, tipsters, inside sources, and eyewitnesses) and delivering it to the public via a media channel, such as print, web, television, or radio. There are a number of universities that offer journalism courses and diplomas in journalism which can be pursued by individuals to kick-start their careers.

What is Hard News?

Hard News involves time-sensitive news, which is severe and is reported as breaking news immediately. Some of its examples are Political Journalism, Investigative Journalism, Business Journalism, Crime Journalism, Global news, Sports Journalism, etc. These news stories involve serious facts, and in-depth research and follow an inverted pyramid structure – 5 W’s and 1H – Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How for writing news. 

What is Soft News?

Soft News involves entertainment and lifestyle-centric news stories. They primarily carry information for the amusement or personal usage of the public. Some examples are entertainment and lifestyle Journalism on movies, fashion, food, beauty, and skincare, etc. 

9 Types of Journalism

1. Political Journalism

The news in political journalism is provided in formats like ‘national’, ‘local’, and ‘international’, political news. Such stories cover political parties, political figures, elections, political; campaigns to inform government activities, etc.

2. Investigative Journalism

Investigative journalism’s major goal is to expose the truth, which people, especially public figures, often tend to hide. These reportages require a thorough investigation of the facts to provide the public with accurate information about the scandalous subject.

3. Business Journalism

Business journalism primarily deals with economy-related news stories. These stories specialize in telling – business mergers and policies, business scams, markets, stocks, the economy, etc. 

4. International News

The global news section provides foreign news coverage – wars, inter or intrastate disputes, diplomatic relations, etc. Media correspondents are posted in various countries to fetch news for their own media organizations. 

5. Crime Journalism

Crime journalism solely informs the truth behind criminal activities. These journalists cover anything that is a criminal offense. 

6. Lifestyle Journalism

Lifestyle journalism covers food, fashion, health, travel, music, home decor, beauty etc. These stories have gained people’s interest over the years and are popular. 

7. Entertainment Journalism

Entertainment journalists include news stories of celebrities and events. It reports on celebrities, movies, entertainment businesses, award ceremonies, etc.

8. Sports journalism 

Sports journalists are assigned to cover news related to sports personalities and events. There is a requirement to keep prior knowledge of sports to report stories.

9. Scientific journalism 

Scientific journalists report scientific facts and research in a news format. They help the general public to interpret science and gather knowledge through simple language.

This segregation of journalism helps you select the news stories of your choice. Moreover, this will inculcate the habit of reading news in you. Check out the professional photography certification course at AAFT Online.

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